Growing container tomatoes on your back patio or deck is an excellent way to keep the fresh taste of garden produce close at hand.
There are a lot of built-in advantages when growing container tomatoes vs. a traditional garden setting.
For one, they can be planted earlier. Container tomatoes are easy to protect if a frost is in the future by simply moving in or covering.
They are also easy to maintain and requiring little to no weeding. And of course, harvesting is a breeze!
The real key to success is selecting varieties that are compact and that trellis easily.
For many, that has always meant growing traditional “cherry-style” tomatoes. But there are hundreds of additional mid-sized heirloom tomato varieties that are perfect for patio growing – and for using in everything from salads, to making homemade salsa, pasta sauce and more.
Here is a look at 3 great selections to expand your patio tomato growing this year. We included product seed links at the end of each variety as well.
3 Great Varieties For Growing Container Tomatoes
Momotaro Tomatoes
The Momotaro tomato has become widely popular at farmers markets, and with good reason. It has a super-sweet, juicy flavor, and is low-acid to boot!
With Japanese origins, Momotaro tomatoes ripen to a light red-pinkesh color. They have big yields, forming clusters of 7 tomatoes on the vines.
And these are not small tomatoes! In fact, most will ripen to a nice 5 to 7 ounce mid-sized tomato.
Their stunning beauty makes for a great conversation plant. Adding to their allure – the are also extremely disease resistant and handle hot temps well. See : Momotaro Seeds
Artisan Blush Tiger (Tiger Blush) Tomatoes
The Blush Tiger tomato is the ultimate choice for growing container tomatoes.
The plants grow thick and lush, and become filled with heavy producing clusters of yellow and orange striped tomatoes bursting with sweet flavor
The blush tiger keeps on producing all year too! As an indeterminate variety, they will keep on producing until the first frost.
They are a great climber so they do well on trellises. You can also prune as needed to keep growing plants under control. See: Tiger Blush Seeds
San Marzano Tomatoes
These excellent paste tomatoes perform well in the garden – and in containers on the patio!

They really are the ultimate salsa and sauce tomato. Much like the Blush Tiger, the San Marzano will form heavy clusters of mid-sized tomatoes.
They are thick and meaty, and have much fewer seeds than typical mid-sized tomatoes. Their root structure will stay compact, and the vines are easy to attach to a trellis.
They are wonderful for creating fresh salsa or pasta sauce, or for simply slicing and eating.
San Marzano’s are also an indeterminate variety, so they will keep on producing all year-long until frost. See : San Marzano Seeds
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