Looking for a few simple ways to keep mosquitoes out of your yard without having to resort to harsh chemical sprays?
Mosquitoes can put a huge dent on the ability to enjoy outdoor activities in your yard. Especially when the heat and humidity of summer seem to multiply these harmful and painful pests to near staggering numbers. Unfortunately, mosquitoes are not only a nuisance, but a health risk as well.
The bite of a mosquito can carry a lengthy list of diseases. Not only that, the welts they leave behind from their bites can cause non-stop scratching and itching for days on end. Sadly, the often painful bites usually lead to either eliminating outdoor time, or resorting to using a bevy of harsh sprays and bug bombs to try to keep the flying insects from infesting and invading your outdoor spaces.

But here’s some good news! Believe it or not, there are a few simple solutions to keeping mosquito populations under control. And – without having to go down the road of chemical sprays. In fact, as it turns out, by simply performing a few easy tasks to all but eliminate their natural habitat, you can decrease their numbers greatly – and more than enough to reclaim your backyard!
3 Simple Ways To Keep Mosquitoes Out Of Your Yard – Without Spraying!
1) Stop Mosquitoes From Breeding
Without standing water, mosquitoes cannot breed and multiply. And by simply eliminating any standing water around or near your home, you can instantly help keep mosquito populations in check. But you might be surprised how many places standing water can hide around your home. And when they do, they let mosquitoes multiply with ease.
Bird baths, small pools, and standing buckets of water left outdoors are all perfect breeding grounds for mosquitoes. As are old tires, uncovered rain barrels and even the small water trays placed under potted plants.
But mosquitoes can also find water sources to breed that are more discreet. One of the best examples of this are in downspouts and gutters. It ‘s here where leaves and debris can back up, leaving plenty of standing water to collect. In fact, this is one of the most common places of all where mosquitoes breed near a home.

Mosquitoes can produce a new generation in a flash. In fact, in just 36 to 48 hours, mosquitoes can not only lay larvae, but hatch it. And the only way to help stop the cycle is to eliminate the water they breed in.
If you have bird baths or small pools for kids outdoors, change out the water every few days. Be sure to inspect gutters and downspouts for clogs and standing water on a regular basis. Remove any pails or small objects that can hold water from your outdoors.
Even more, if you have low lying areas in your yard that trap water, fill them in. By simply eliminating standing water, you will do wonders in controlling your overall mosquito population.
2) Use Plants To Repel Mosquitoes – 3 Simple Ways To Keep Mosquitoes Out Of Your Yard Without Spraying
There is a long list of plants that not only look great in your landscape – but also help to repel mosquitoes naturally. By simply filling the spaces where you dine, play and enjoy the outdoors with a few of these plants, you can help keep the danger of biting mosquitoes far away.
Marigolds, nasturtiums, and herbs such as lavender, sage, and the entire family of mints are all great at repelling mosquitoes. For most of the plants listed above, it’s their scent that mosquitoes despise. But nasturtium plants take it to a whole new level, producing a specific chemical marker that mosquitoes are known to avoid at all costs.

Not only can you grow these repelling plants in your flowerbeds, but they are also great for growing in pots to place on tables or near chairs. Even better, all of these plants help to keep out other annoying pests such as aphids, whiteflies and the common housefly too!
Lavender is one of the best for container planting as it comes back each season. Not only that, it can be moved when growing in pots to wherever its needed for mosquito control. Affiliate Product Link: Set of 3 Potted French Lavender Provence Herb Plants – Great Container Plants
3) Attract Natural Enemies – 3 Simple Ways To Keep Mosquitoes Out Of Your Yard Without Spraying
Once you eliminate the ability for mosquitoes to find a place to reproduce and put a few repelling plants in place – it’s time to eliminate the remaining ones. And one of the best ways to do that is by attracting their natural enemies to your landscape.
Without a doubt, one of the best all natural ways to protect your yard and outdoor areas is with the help of a few of nature’s best mosquito eating machines – birds!
Birds love mosquitoes and their larvae. Bats, purple martins and bluebirds are all natural predators of mosquitoes. As are robins and chickadees. In fact, together, these birds can devour hundreds and hundreds of them on a daily basis.

To bring these insect fighting machines into your backyard, create an inviting habitat for them to enjoy. The best way to start is to fill your landscape with the plants they love! See our article: How To Attract Bluebirds – And Why They Are Great For Gardens!
By planting perennials such as black-eyed Susan, Coneflower and other bird-attracting flowers, it can bring birds calling, and in the process, have a big effect on reducing your mosquito population.
And don’t stop with just plants, provide them the shelter they love too! Installing specific and inviting bird houses such as purple martin houses and bat houses work wonders for keeping these mosquito-eating birds on site. Affiliate Link: Nature’s Way Bird Products CWH3 Cedar Bluebird Box House
In addition, feeders and bird baths can be inviting to birds as well. But remember – keep them clean and change them often to prevent mosquitoes from using them too!
Use The Power Of Fire! 3 Simple Ways To Keep Mosquitoes Out Of Your Yard Without Spraying
Finally, while you are enjoying your patio time, don’t forget that a good fire can help repel mosquitoes in a flash. Both heat and flames are excellent natural repellents for mosquitoes.
But to make that fire even more effective, add in a few herbs to the flames. The next time you light your fire pit or outdoor grill for the evening, toss a little sage, lavender or mint into the fire. It can be fresh or dried, but the resulting scent from the flames will send them packing!
Here is to keeping your outdoors free of mosquitoes without having to use harsh sprays or chemicals. And even more, to enjoying your summer to the fullest in peace!
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