So what is the real scoop when it comes to using Epsom Salt on plants?
Does it truly help plants grow bigger? And will it really help keep pests away? What about it’s power as the ultimate fertilizer?
The myth of the incredible power of Epsom Salt has grown furiously in the last few years. To the point that some claim it to be THE magical end-all treatment for everything growing in the garden.

In fact, it is amazing how every year, it seems to help solve more gardening issues than the year before!
Unfortunately, nearly all of those claims are not all they are cracked up to be. And, as you will see below, there are even cases where using Epsom Salt can be harmful to the plants
Here is a brief look at the science behind Epsom Salt in the garden, and why it’s not all it’s cracked up to be.
The Facts About Using Epsom Salt On Plants
To start, it is important to establish what ingredients make up Epsom Salt in order to know it’s potential benefit to plants.
And those ingredients are 3 simple ones: magnesium, water and sulfate.

Now that we know the ingredients, lets take a look at how they correlate to some of the claimed benefits.
Epsom Salt As A Fertilizer
We have all heard that putting Epsom Salt around the base of plants will make them grow huge! And that couldn’t be further from the truth.
When it comes to big growth from fertilizing, nitrogen, potassium and phosphorous are the big players.

And of course, nitrogen, phosphorous and potassium are all absent from Epsom Salt.
The only thing that adding Epsom Salt will do to your soil is increase the level of magnesium. And although it is indeed a tiny nutrient need for plants, it is not one that increases yields or massive growth.
In this case, skip the Epsom Salt and reach for the compost instead! See : How To Create The Perfect Compost Pile
Pest Control
So what about helping control or repel pests?

Again, it all boils down to more legend than facts.
When it comes to pest prevention, there is simply no known component of magnesium, sulfate, or water for that matter that helps in the defense of pests.
Other than that a healthy spray of water is great for knocking off aphids. But it doesn’t need any of those ingredients to help it accomplish that!
But Can’t Epsom Salt Help Cure Blossom End Rot?
This common thought is one of the most widely passed along benefits of using Epsom Salt on plants.
And unfortunately, again, it is completely unfounded!

In fact, using Epsom Salt on tomato plants is actually more likely to cause blossom end rot than cure it. How so? Blossom end rot is caused by a deficiency in calcium, not magnesium.
And, by adding Epsom Salt, you can create an over-abundance of magnesium in the soil. An abundance that the plant will take up in place of the calcium it needs for protection from end blossom rot.
It all adds up to just one more reason to reach for that compost instead. Not only is it all-natural, it gives plants everything needed to thrive and survive! Affiliate Link : Charlies Compost 10lb Bag

This Is My Garden is a website dedicated to spreading the love and knowledge of gardening around the world. We publish two new garden articles each week. This article may contain affiliate links.