Looking for a few simple and easy ways to stop spiders from finding a way inside this fall – and for how to keep them out of your basement, garage and home for good?
Spiders certainly play a helpful role in the food chain. Outdoors, are wonderful for keeping all kinds of pests at bay, including flies, aphids, mosquitoes and more. In addition, they help to loosen soils with the tunnels and channels they dig while making their homes.
But inside – it’s a whole different story! Although they can still help to fight pests such as flies and even cockroaches, most humans are not happy to see them lurking indoors. But as autumn rolls around, that is exactly where spiders want to be.

As temperatures begin to cool off in early fall, spiders become more active in their search for a mate. For many species of female spiders, fall is the time for mating and laying their eggs. They do this so their eggs can overwinter, and then hatch the following spring.
At the same time, spiders also begin the search for winter shelter. And once they do, they naturally attempt to move to one of the most attractive spaces of all, inside the warm and cozy living quarters of your home!
The Keys To Keeping Spiders Out – How To Stop Spiders
So is it really possible to keep spiders out of your living space? The good news is that there are a few simple preventative techniques that can greatly reduce and in some cases nearly eliminate spiders from your living space.
Beyond that, there also happens to be a couple of very effective solutions that can help keep out any spiders that still make it in. And by combining a good defense with a couple of highly effective deterrents, you really can keep spiders out of your house – and for good!
Let’s start by covering how to best seal off your house and living spaces from spiders, and then we will cover two of the “best of the best” methods & products that can keep them from ever wanting to get inside in the first place!

3 Simple Ways To Stop Spiders From Getting Inside!
#1 Sealing Off Your Home To Spiders
Much as with any insect or pest, the best way to keep spiders out of your home is to never let them indoors in the first place. And that all starts by eliminating all of their easy entry points – and not providing them with the food and moisture they need for survival.
When it comes to getting inside, worn out weatherstripping, door jambs, and torn screens are all open invitations for spiders. As are vents without screens and windows with broken or damaged caulking. In essence, any crack or open crevice that leads into your home is virtually a wide open door for spiders.
In the fight to keep spiders outside, begin by taking a walk around your home. Fall is the perfect time to seal openings with silicone caulk. Not only will it help seal off openings from all kinds of insects, it will also help keep your home warmer in the winter.

Replace old door jambs and torn or worn out weatherstripping and make sure doors and windows close tightly. For uncovered vents and vent pipes, use a fine mesh screen to seal them off from being an easy entry point for spiders.
If you happen to have basement casement windows, check that they are closed tightly and sealed off. Basement windows are one of the most common of all entry points for spiders. They are also one of the most prone to having small gaps and breaks in their seals.
Finally, keep wood piles away from anywhere close to your house. Wood piles are notorious for harboring large populations of spiders. And the closer to the home they are, the less spiders have to travel to get inside.
#2 Eliminating Food & Water – How To Stop Spiders
Although spiders can live for days without water, they do need moisture to ultimately survive. And that means standing water of any kind is quite attractive to them. It is one of the major reasons they love to take up residence in damp, dark basements.
Eliminate standing water of any kind in your home. This includes slow drips and leaks around faucets, or small standing pools of water around floor drains. If your basement is extremely damp, a dehumidifier can help to dry it out and make it less attractive.

Spiders love to eat flies, moths earwigs and other small insects. By keeping these insects out, they won’t want to come inside at all. And beyond food – a clean house is usually a spider free house!
Believe it or not, by simply dusting and sweeping your house more frequently, you will greatly reduce the population of indoor spiders. Spiders love to hide and build their webs under furniture. Areas with little traffic offer both safety and security.
In addition, spaces with heavy dust build up attract spiders searching for small insects and other easy food sources. Sweep and dust often, and pay special attention underneath and behind chairs, couches and other furniture. Regularly move the furniture out and dust and sweep to keep cobwebs out.
#3 Use The Power Of Peppermint! How To Stop Spiders
When it comes to a scent that spiders will do almost anything to avoid – peppermint is at the top of the list. And whether you use it as a liquid spray, dried in a sachet or packet, or even as a live plant – spiders will stay away!
Peppermint is actually offensive to a long list of insects and pests. That includes flies, mosquitoes, ticks, moths, roaches, fleas and of course, spiders. But not only will it keep spiders away, as you can see, it also helps to keep the insects they love to eat away too. And with no food – there are no spiders! Also See: How To Keep Gnats & Flies Out Of Your Home
You can make your own peppermint spray by mixing 5 drops of peppermint oil for every ounce of water. There are also some highly effective peppermint oil sprays on the market that are ready to go. Even better, they are completely safe around pets, adults and children too! Affiliate Product Link; Mighty Mint – 16oz Spider Repellent Peppermint Oil
As another option, you can also use dried peppermint pouches and sachets that fill the air with the smell of peppermint. And that strong scent does wonders for keeping spiders out! Product Affiliate Link: Grandpa Gus Spider Pouches
Finally, growing peppermint as a house plant can help keep spiders and other insects out as well. Even better, you have plenty of leaves to make your own oil – or dry them to make your own peppermint sachets!
Buckeyes & Hedge Apples – Do They Really Work?
There are, of course, a couple of old legends about hedge apples and buckeyes repelling spiders. But do they really work?
Many swear that by placing buckeyes or hedge apples in front of doors, around foundations, or in the basements of homes – it sends spiders away for good. Although many stand by the claim, the reality is that there is zero scientific evidence to support either one working to stop spiders from coming inside.

But don’t despair, whether or not you believe in the power of the hedge apple or buckeyes, by simply sealing up your home, keeping away the food and water spiders need – and using the power of peppermint – you can keep these 8 legged creatures outside!
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