Did you know that you can grow ginger indoors as a houseplant the whole year round – not only will it give you amazingly fresh ginger whenever you want – but also an incredibly beautiful houseplant to boot!
It’s true! Growing ginger indoors is a great way to add beautiful greenery throughout your home and give healthy, delicious flavor to all kinds of dishes and drinks in your kitchen. And you won’t believe just how it simple and easy it is to grow and maintain!
Ginger is actually a power packed herb and a spice all in one. The tuberous roots and plants grow as an herb. However, when dried and created into a powder, ginger is classified as a spice. But however you use it, its benefits go well beyond just its great flavor.

Ginger has long been known for its healing and medicinal value. Its benefits include aiding in digestion, helping the circulatory system and boosting your immune system. Which, of course, is all the more reason to grow this beautiful plant right inside your home all year long!
How To Grow Ginger Indoors As A Houseplant
There are several options for growing your own ginger as a houseplant. The most common is by purchasing ginger root straight from a nursery or greenhouse and allowing it to sprout and grow. You can also purchase an existing plant already potted up as a houseplant.
If you are lucky enough to happen to know someone already growing their own ginger, you can also simply take a cutting from the roots of the existing plant. That being said, for most, growing ginger from a root is the easiest and most economical of all.
The good news is that once you purchase a root or live plant to start with, you can continually create new plants and ginger from the original!
- Affiliate Ginger Plant Link : (Common Cooking Variety) Live Plant
- Affiliate Ginger Root Link : Sprouted Rhizomes of Heirloom Peruvian Ginger

Growing Ginger From A Root – How To Grow Ginger As A Houseplant
Propagating a new ginger plant all begins from the root of the plant. The roots have small nodules or “eyes” (much like a potato does) that produce new growth.
Much like when planting a potato, slicing a portion of the ginger root can create a new plant. That is, as long as it has a nodule or two for sprouting. As noted above, one of the best things about ginger is that it can be continually grown from cuttings. All without ever harming the original stock’s growing habits.
One note on starting ginger plants from roots. Although you might be tempted to start ginger plants from roots purchased from a local grocery store, it is usually a futile effort.
With ginger root in stores, like many other vegetables and herbs, the roots go through a heat process to kill off pathogens. And the process will often leave the ginger root unable to sprout new growth. The other issue is that store-bought ginger is also often treated with chemicals that leave it less likely to sprout.
If you do want to try the store-bought ginger route, you will want to source ginger that has not been eradicated or processed. It can still be tough as many of the ginger roots in stores are quite old, but it will give you the best chance of success.
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How To Plant Ginger Roots – How To Grow Ginger As A Houseplant
Ginger is a heavy feeder, and requires fertile, well-drained soil to grow and develop maximum size and flavor. When planting or transplanting, always start by using a good-quality potting mix. Without good soil and drainage, the roots of ginger will easily rot and can quickly kill the plant.
When growing as a houseplant, select a container that will allow for adequate root growth. Ginger needs a lot of space to develop. Pots that are least 8 to 10 inches in diameter work best. They allow for enough surface area for the roots to develop full flavor.
Potting Up Ginger
Cut your ginger before planting, being sure to allow for a few nodules on each root that will be planted. Set the ginger aside out in the air for a few days after cutting to allow the cutting area to scab over a bit.
Next, fill your pot with about 4 inches of potting soil in the bottom. Then, set your ginger root cuttings down into the soil. Make sure the eyes or nodules are pointing up so the plant can sprout more quickly. Press the ginger root into the soil slightly to set it into place.

Next, cover the ginger root with more potting soil, adding enough that the top of the root is under a 1/2″ of soil. To finish, slightly moisten the soil. Not it’s time to wait. And wait. And wait some more!
A Lengthy Sprouting Time – How To Grow Ginger As A Houseplant Indoors
Unfortunately, ginger isn’t fast when it comes to sprouting. In fact, it can take upwards of 8 to 10 weeks to see the first sprouts pop through the soil. The key to success is all in keeping the soil moist and warm to encourage sprouting while waiting.
One way to do this is to cover the top of the pot with plastic or plastic wrap to help retain moisture and humidity in the soil and pot. Allow a few small holes for ventilation – but keep the moisture dome in place until the ginger root begins to sprout up through the soil.
Once it has come through the soil, simply remove the plastic lid or wrap. Then, place the plant in a warm location that receives plenty of indirect lighting. In its natural setting, ginger grows best in shadier locations. By mimicking those same lower light level conditions indoors, it will help the plant grow strong and healthy.

Caring For Your Ginger – How To Grow Ginger As A Houseplant Indoors
When it comes to long term care, proper watering and fertilizing are big keys to success. You need to water ginger often enough so that the soil never dries out for more than a day at the most.
Slightly moist soil is best for growth, but be careful not to over water and saturate the soil. Overly wet soils will rot the plant’s roots if they are sitting in heavy moisture constantly.
As mentioned, ginger is a heavy feeder, so fertilizing is a must for promoting strong growth. Fertilize every 4 weeks with a light solution of an all-purpose, well-balanced organic fertilizer. This will give the plant plenty of nutrients to grow to full size. See: How To Fertilize Houseplants With Coffee Grounds & Leftover Coffee!
Harvesting – How To Grow Ginger As A Houseplant Indoors
You can harvest ginger as a young, tender root – or allow it to grow to full maturity and harvest with a more robust flavor.

Young ginger will have a lighter, more mild flavor. It is usually so tender, peeling is not even necessary. To harvest young ginger, gently lift the roots from the pot and carefully slice off a section. Place back into the pot immediately, covering with soil to keep the remaining roots and plant healthy.
To harvest more mature ginger, allow the plant to continue to grow until the roots have filled out, and the skin has toughened up. Mature ginger will require peeling before using, but the flavor is deeper, spicier, and more complex than young ginger.
To keep the growing cycle going, you can slice off a portion of the mature ginger to restart a new plant all over again – keeping the rest to use as needed. If you are looking to add even more beauty and greenery to your indoors, see The Easiest Houseplants To Grow – 8 Plants Anyone Can Keep Alive! Here is to growing your own Ginger Houseplant this year – and beyond!
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