Are you looking for a fast and effective way to stop Japanese beetles from ruining the plants in your landscape, garden and flowerbeds this year?
Once the warm weather of summer begins to arrive – so do Japanese beetles. And do they ever love to dine on everything from roses, fragrant bushes and a long list of annuals and perennials – to fruit trees, grape vines and more!
One thing is for certain, Japanese beetles are voracious eaters. Unlike many pests that attack only specific plants, they chew and devour foliage from a wide variety of species. Unfortunately, unless you find a way to stop them early on, they can quickly decimate an entire landscape. In fact, they can do so in as little as two to three days!

The Damage Japanese Beetles Cause – How To Stop Japanese Beetles
Japanese beetles will attack vegetable plants, flowers, bushes, trees – and even some ornamental grasses and shrubs as well. And once they find foliage to their liking, they bring hundreds if not thousands of other beetles right to the source with a scent trail.
But it’s not just the adult beetles that cause problems for homeowners. Japanese Beetle grubs overwinter and live in the soil as well. In the early spring, before becoming an adult, they feed on the roots of lawns before emerging.
As they feed, they damage the turf, leaving behind brown, dying grass spots in their wake. But even worse, as the grubs work through the soil, they attract another pest too – ground moles! See our article: How To Eliminate Grubs In Your Yard
Of course, it isn’t long before the ground moles cause extensive damage to your lawn as well as they dig tunnels everywhere in search of the grubs.
But here’s the good news – with a few simple, safe and all-natural tips and tricks – you can keep Japanese beetles from ever becoming an issue. And in the process, keep your lawn and plants safe from damage all year round.

How To Stop Japanese Beetles – 3 Simple Tricks To Get Rid Of Japanese Beetles!
#1 Avoid Using Traps & Lures – 3 Simple Tricks To Stop Japanese Beetles!
One of the biggest mistakes gardeners make when battling Japanese beetles is to use beetle bags, traps and lures. Why? Because unfortunately, all of these can create more of a beetle problem than less of one in your yard!
Beetle traps use a scented bag or liquid to lure beetles into a confined space in order to trap them. The scent works extremely well in attracting the beetles. Actually, it works too well, bringing more beetles in from even farther away!
Using traps usually results in multiplying your Japanese beetle population many times over. That’s because all of those extra beetles don’t always end up in the trap. Instead, they end up on the plants around the trap, destroying them in the process.
Making matters even worse, those same beetles are also mating and creating an even larger “next generation” of beetles for next year!

#2 Spraying All Natural Neem Oil – 3 Simple Tricks To Stop Japanese Beetles!
Now let’s take a look at how to get rid of the Japanese beetles once they arrive! One of the safest and most effective solutions to get rid of Japanese beetles fast is with neem oil. When it comes to organic sprays that stop Japanese beetles without harming other insects, this all natural solution is at the top of the list.
Neem oil is made by pressing the seeds from a neem tree. The resulting oil has long been known to be an incredible weapon against many pests. And when it comes to Japanese beetles, it is incredibly effective at stopping them at all points of their life cycle – as adults, larva and grubs.
When mixed with water and sprayed onto plant foliage, the solution is fatal to beetles. But here is the good thing, – it will not harm bees, butterflies, ladybugs and many other beneficial insects when applied properly. Affiliate Link: HARRIS Neem Oil Cold Pressed Water Soluble Concentrate
To make an effective spray against Japanese beetles, mix 4 teaspoons of neem oil with one gallon of water. Once you put the solution into your sprayer, add a few drops of liquid dish soap to the mix. The dish soap will help the spray adhere to the foliage of plants and to the beetles.
Apply the mixture with a sprayer to evenly coat the leaves of plants. This will not only eliminate the beetles on the leaves, but also act as a deterrent for new ones. Spray weekly to maintain effectiveness. You will also need to reapply after it rains or after watering your plants.
#3 Hand Picking – 3 Simple Tricks To Stop Japanese Beetles!
Last but not least, get out there and hand pick those beetles from your plants! Believe it or not, the most effective approach against Japanese beetles is to hand-pick beetles off of plants.
The majority of the beetle population emerges from the ground to feed and mate over a two to three week period. By simply being prepared and picking them off early, you can stop the damage fast. And it doesn’t cost a penny!
Even more, since they can’t complete the cycle by laying eggs back into the ground, you help control the following year’s population as well. A few years of hand picking can almost single-handedly get rid of Japanese beetles and the damage they bring.
All you need is a bucket or pail of soapy water and a pair of gloves. By brushing the Japanese beetles into the soapy water, you can quickly eliminate the beetles in mere seconds.

For best results, pick in late morning to mid afternoon, when beetles are most active. If you can, take time to go out during both time frames. You will be surprised at how in as little a week, the population will be under control.
Controlling Grubs – How To Protect Plants From Japanese Beetles
Finally, it goes without saying that controlling Japanese beetle grubs is one of the best ways to stop adult Japanese beetle damage. After all, since beetles emerge as grubs from the soil, eliminating the grubs will eliminate the future beetles.
One of the best ways to kill grubs is with a simple solution of detergent and water spray. By mixing a few teaspoons of ordinary dish soap with a gallon of water, you can create a solution to spray directly on your lawn.
The soapy water forces grubs to come up out of the ground. And, when they do, they become easy targets for birds to feed on. This is great to do every few weeks from mid summer to early fall – before the grubs bury deep before winter.
Here is to controlling Japanese beetles in your landscape this year – and to stopping the damage they can cause before it ever happens!
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