When it comes to one insect that gardeners and homeowners want to eliminate from their backyard entirely- it’s ticks. And believe it or not, as it turns out, it’s actually quite easy to keep ticks out of your yard with one simple, all-natural solution!
Ticks can be extremely dangerous for humans and pets. With one single bite, they can transmit a long list of diseases that can bring on both short and long term complications. From rashes and viruses to other highly dangerous medical conditions such as Lyme disease and more, they pose a serious health risk.
And for all of the danger they bring, about the only thing they give back to nature is being a food source for possums, turkeys, chickens and other foraging animals. Which is exactly why most have no qualms about trying to rid their property of the ever-multiplying insect!

The good news is that although ticks are highly dangerous and can breed and expand their population quite quickly, you can all but eradicate them from your backyard without having to resort to dangerous chemical pesticides, powders and spray. All by simply using one all natural solution that’s not only easy to apply – but safe for pets, children and adults!
How To Eliminate Ticks – One Simple All Natural Trick To Get Rid Of Ticks
So what is the miracle substance that can stop ticks in their tracks? It happens to be neem oil, which is a 100% organic liquid made from squeezing the oil from the seeds of the fruit of a neem tree.
Neem oil has actually been used for centuries as an all natural pesticide. In fact, it was the go-to choice for protecting all kinds of crops up until synthetic man-made pesticides started to appear. And is it ever making a big comeback now for helping to naturally control all kinds of insects and pests – including ticks!
The neem tree hails from the subcontinent of India, but has been transplanted to many tropical areas around the world where it now grows quite easily. The tree is in the Mahogany family of trees and can grow quite fast, often topping 40 to 60 feet.
The fruit the tree produces closely resembles the shape of an olive. The fruit usually grows to about 3/4 to 1 inch in diameter when they mature. Although the fruit can be consumed, it’s the oil within the seed of the fruit that is valued for its pest control ability.

The brownish oil that comes from the seed of neem fruit is quite bitter and has a bit of a sulfur aroma. But when mixed with water and sprayed, it becomes quiet the powerful insecticide. And can it ever control ticks!
How Neem Oil Gets Rid Of Ticks – How To Eliminate Ticks In Your Backyard
How does neem oil control ticks so well? Because when sprayed on lawns, garden soil and flowerbed areas, it comes in contact with the exterior body of ticks that are roaming around. And when it does, it stops the biting insect from being able to take in and process oxygen.
This, of course, results in the death of the tick. But the oil also works against ticks in another important ways. When ingested, neem oil impacts both the digestive and reproductive ability of ticks as well.
This means that even the ticks that survived by dodging the initial spray are still vulnerable after the solution dries on the lawn, soil and plants. Not only will it wipe them out, they can’t reproduce to create the next generation either!
The key when using neem oil is to always make sure you are purchasing pure oil or pure oil concentrate. This will mix with water well and give you the coverage and effectiveness to clear your property of ticks. Affiliate Product Link: Pure Neem Oil Concentrate – 100% Cold Pressed Neem Oil
How To Mix & Use Neem Oil – How To Eliminate Ticks In Your Backyard
What really makes neem oil the ultimate answer against ticks is how easy it is to make and spray. All it takes is pure neem oil, water and few drops of liquid dish soap – and you are in business.
Begin by mixing 6 to 8 teaspoons of neem oil for every one gallon of water. Then, put the desired amount into either a hand-held or backpack sprayer. All that is left is to mix in a few drops of liquid dish detergent into the solution. This helps to allow the spray to stick and cling better to both the ticks – and the lawn. Of course, that makes it far more effective too!
When applying to your lawn and garden areas, simply lay down a light mist of spray. If you have a more serious tick issue, you’ll want to spray every few weeks for the first few months. For most, however, a once a month application is more than enough for total control.
The type of sprayer you will need really comes down to how big of an area you will be covering. Smaller 1 to 2 gallon hand help pump sprayers can easily cover small lawns, but for larger areas, a back back sprayer is the answer. Affiliate Product Link: D.B. Smith FIELD KING 190328 Backpack Sprayer, 4 Gallon
Listen In Below To Our Podcast On Some Great Additional Ways To Stop Ticks!
Spraying Smart – How To Eliminate Ticks In Your Backyard
The good thing with spraying neem oil on your lawn and garden areas is that it can help keep other pests other control too. It not only eliminates ticks, but Japanese beetle larva as well Which means it’s great in the fight against ground moles. See our article: 3 Simple Tricks To Get Rid Of Japanese Beetles This Year
But it doesn’t stop there. Neem oil is also extremely effective against aphids, mites, mosquitoes and fleas. As for being safe for pets and children, the oil is not toxic. It is good to allow the spray to dry for an hour or so before allowing people to roam around simply to keep it effective.
In addition, it’s also important to remember that neem oil can affect beneficial insects as well. Bees, butterflies and other pollinators can be harmed if they come in direct contact with the wet spray. The good news is that once it’s dry, it doesn’t affect them in the least. Because of this, always spray for ticks in the very early morning or late evening when pollinators are not out.
Here is to using neem oil this year to eliminate ticks from your backyard. And even more, to knowing you are helping to stop a very dangerous pest!
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