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How To Fertilize Fruit Trees – And Why You Need To Do It In Early Spring!

One of the best ways to keep your fruit trees healthy and productive is to fertilize them each and every year. But with that said – when and how you apply that fertilizer can play a huge role in just how well your fruit trees will perform!

Just like vegetable plants, annuals and perennial flowers, fruit trees absorb and use resources from the soil. And if those nutrients aren’t replaced on an annual basis, they can begin to suffer. Not just in the amount of fruit they produce, but also with their overall health.

Fruit trees that lack proper nutrients will struggle to produce buds and blooms. They can also have a hard time maintaining a healthy canopy of foliage, which is essential for powering photosynthesis to provide energy to the tree. And once a tree begins to struggle, pests and disease have a far easier time of doing damage.

when and how to fertilize fruit trees
Knowing when to fertilize your trees is as important as knowing what to feed them with.

Why Spring Is The Best Time To Fertilize Fruit Trees

If you want your fruit trees to produce healthy, delicious fruit, fertilizing them at the right time is essential. So what is the best to time to power your trees? As it turns out, the ideal time to fertilize is in early spring, just before the buds break on your trees.

Fruit trees wake up from dormancy in early spring. At that point, they use energy they stored from last year to grow new leaves and blossoms. But by fertilizing before the buds break, it then gives trees the nutrients they need right at the start of the growing season. This then helps support strong root development, vigorous growth, and higher fruit yields.

Unfortunately, waiting to apply fertilizer too late in the season can actually lead to weak growth, fewer flowers, and poor fruit development. Late fertilization also can encourage excessive leafy growth instead of fruit production, or it might not be absorbed properly before the tree enters dormancy in the fall – which is exactly why springtime is the perfect time to power up your trees!

By giving your trees a boost of energy at this point, it helps provide the necessary nutrients for new growth, flowers, and, eventually, fruit production – all at when the tree needs it most!

Selecting The Best Fertilizer For Your Fruit Trees

Now that you know when to fertilize, it’s all about selecting the right nutrients to feed your trees. For this, the best fertilizer type for fruit trees is a granular, slow-release fertilizer. Granular fertilizers provide nutrients gradually over time. This, in turn, ensures the tree gets a steady supply of just what it needs to set blooms, buds – and eventually fruit.

For apple and pear trees, selecting a granular fertilizer with a little more nitrogen and phosphorous in the formula is best.

When selecting for most fruit trees, look for a fertilizer that is a balanced blend of nitrogen, phosphorus and potassium (10-10-10) – or one one that is just slightly higher in the nitrogen and potassium number.

This is especially true if you are fertilizing apple and pear trees, which benefit slightly more from a nitrogen & potassium heavy formula to promote strong leaf and branch growth. For these types, 10-10-10 will work fine, but a 6-2-4 or 10-5-10 is even better.

How Much Is Enough?

When you fertilize your fruit trees, the amount needed will depend on on the size and age of your trees. A general rule of thumb is one pound of fertilizer per year of tree age, up to a maximum of about five pounds per tree.

As an example – a three year old tree will need 3 pounds of granular fertilizer. Meanwhile, once your trees reach five years of age and beyond, simply apply five pounds of fertilizer every year. It can vary depending on the type you are using, so always be sure to check the fertilizer label for specific instructions.

when and how to fertilize fruit trees
Proper fertilizing will lead to healthier trees – and a much larger harvest of fruit!

How and where you apply the fertilizer is also very important. Never apply fertilizer directly at the base of the tree. Instead, spread it in a circular pattern around the tree, starting a few inches away from the trunk. Extend this as you drop the granules to just beyond the tree’s drip line. This will be the area under the outermost branches.

This ensures the nutrients reach the tree’s feeder roots. After applying the fertilizer, it’s very important to water the tree thoroughly to help the nutrients soak into the soil. This also prevents fertilizer burn, but even more, ensures the energy from the granules reaches the roots, where it can be absorbed effectively.

How Often To Fertilize Fruit Trees

Most fruit trees benefit from one spring fertilization. However, some trees may need an additional, smaller application in early summer if growth is slow or fruit production is weak. Avoid fertilizing after midsummer, as late-season growth can make trees more vulnerable to winter damage.

For this fertilizing application – a 10-10-10 fertilizer is best no matter what type of fruit tree you have. This is because it will give it an equal set of nutrients to help it store up for winter and next spring.

Pruning & Mulching

In addition to fertilizing, there are several other important tasks to take care of to ensure your fruit trees stay healthy and productive. Pruning is certainly one of them. Proper pruning also improves air circulation, reducing the risk of disease. This should be done in late winter or very early spring before the trees ever come out. See our article: How To Prune Your Fruit Trees This Winter – Get Bigger & Better Fruit Next Year!

Spring is the time to inspect your trees for signs of pests and diseases. Look for insect eggs, scale, aphids, or fungal infections. Last but not least, applying a layer of mulch around your fruit trees will help as well. Mulch aids in retaining soil moisture and suppressing weeds that can compete for nutrients.

Organic mulch such as wood chips, straw, or compost works best. A two-to-four-inch layer of mulch is ideal. When mulching, always keep mulch a few inches away from the trunk to prevent rot. Piling mulch directly against the tree trunk can lead to disease and pest problems.

Finally, always make sure your trees are getting enough water in the spring. Young trees need about ten to fifteen gallons of water per week, while mature trees require deep, less frequent watering. Here’s to getting your fruit trees powered up with fertilizer this spring. And even more – to healthier trees – and a bigger harvest this year!

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