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How To Prune Lavender In The Spring – And Get Bigger Blooms This Year!

Wondering what to do with the lavender plants in your flowerbeds, garden or landscape this spring – and whether or not you should prune them before or after they come out – or even at all?

As it turns out, pruning lavender in the spring is one of the best things you can do. Not only to keep it healthy and strong, but most importantly, full of blooms later in the growing season. While it might seem a little scary to cut back your plants, especially when they’re just starting to grow again after winter, spring pruning actually encourages your lavender to grow more lush and have more flowers.

Even more, when it comes to lavender – it helps keep the plant from getting too woody or leggy, which, in turn, encourages new growth in all the right places. But the secret to success when spring pruning lavender is knowing exact;y when to do it – and how much to cut back!

prune lavender in spring
Knowing when to prune lavender is the first key to success to keep the plant manageable – and flowering strong!

Why Spring Is The Best Time To Prune Lavender

Spring is the best time to prune lavender. Why? Because the plant is just coming out of its winter rest and getting ready to grow again. You’ll often see small new green shoots starting to form at the base of the plant, and this is a sign that it’s waking up and ready for some attention.

Pruning right at this time helps guide the plant’s energy into strong, new growth. If you prune too early, as in late winter, you risk exposing the plant to cold damage. Especially if you live in a place with unpredictable spring weather.

And what about late summer or fall? Unfortunately, if you wait too late in the year, you can accidentally cut off developing flower buds that would have given you a second bloom. Or even worse, leave the plant exposed to cold before it has a chance to harden off again.

Don’t Prune First Year Lavender Plants

There is one big no-no when pruning lavender – and that is pruning plants that have only been in the ground for one season. Young plants need time to get established and build up strong roots and stems before they can handle a good cutting back.

In their first year, it’s always best just to let them grow. In fact, the only thing you need to do to first year lavender is pinch off the very tips of flowers. This will encourage branching, but stay clear of any full pruning.

when to prune lavender
Early spring pruning of lavender sets the stage for a big summer bloom season!

Once your plant is in its second year or older, you can start pruning full go. And it’s important to do this each and every season afterward. Why? Because a yearly spring trim will keep older plants far more compact and full of blooms.

Pruning isn’t just about making the plant look nice – it actually stimulates new growth and more flower production. Lavender blooms on new stems. When you trim it back in spring, you’re encouraging the plant to send out lots of fresh shoots. Shoots that will hold flowers later in the season.

If you don’t prune, the plant can get woody and sparse, and flower production may go way down over time. It also becomes harder to shape and more prone to splitting or flopping over.

How To Prune Lavender In Spring

Unlike many spring perennials that do better when pruned dormant, with lavender, you want to wait until you see signs of life on the plant. This keeps the plant safe from late winter damage. Look for small green shoots at the base or lower parts of the stems. Once you see that new growth, it’s safe to begin.

Using a sharp pair of garden shears or scissors with clean blades, begin by trimming back the older, grayish woody stems. It’s best to cut just above where you see the new green growth starting.

When pruning, avoid cutting down into the completely woody part of the stem where there are no green shoots. Lavender usually doesn’t grow back well from these lower, hard and woody areas.

The general rule is to cut back about one-third of the plant. This, of course, can vary depending on how big or leggy the plant has become. If your lavender is very bushy and healthy, you can be a little more generous. If it’s struggling or you’re unsure, it’s okay to be a little more cautious and take off less.

Shape the plant as you go, trying to create a nice rounded mound. This shape helps the plant grow evenly and keeps it from splitting open in the middle as it gets older. Always leave some green growth on each stem so the plant can bounce back quickly.

Additional Spring Tips

While you’re out there pruning, it’s a great time to do a few other things to help your lavender thrive. One of the best things you can do in the spring is check your soil. Lavender likes soil that drains well. It will not perform well in heavy, wet spots.

If your lavender struggled last year or you noticed soggy soil around it, it’s best to replant and improve the soil with some sand or gravel to help it drain better. Even just raising the plant a few inches can make a big difference. Good drainage is key to healthy lavender roots.

compost for fertilizer
Compost is the best choice for fertilizing lavender. Anything stronger and you risk affecting the plants blooms.

You can also give your lavender a gentle spring feeding. Lavender doesn’t need much fertilizer. In fact, too much can lead to lots of leafy growth but fewer flowers. The best choice for fertilizing lavender is to top-dress it with a few inches of compost. Affiliate Link: R&M Organics Premium Organic Compost

Weeds & Mulch

Last but not least, be sure to add a few inches of light mulch to help suppress new weeds and keep the soil evenly moist as the season warms up. Just remember not to mulch right up against the stems. This can cause too much moisture at the main stem and lead to rot.

Now it’s time to sit back and wait for those blooms! You can even do a light second prune after the first bloom in early summer to encourage a second flush of flowers, but the main, most important pruning is always in the spring. See our article: How To Get Lavender To Bloom Again – What To Do With Lavender After It Blooms!

One thing is for sure, pruning lavender in the spring doesn’t have to be complicated – but can it ever make a big difference in how your lavender will perform all summer long!

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