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3 Secrets To Buying Mums This Fall – What To Look For When Buying Mums!

Before you head out to start picking out all of those big beautiful mums for fall decorating this year, there are a few simple secrets to know when buying that can help you really get the most out of your purchase – not just when it comes to how much you spend, but for how long and well your mums bloom all fall!

With bloom colors of burgundy, red, orange, yellow, lavender, green, and white, mums are perfect for bringing fall color and interest long after most summer flowering plants have put a halt on blooming. That is, when they are in full bloom.  

Depending on when and how you buy your mums, all too often, mums can all but stop their bloom production before the autumn season is even in full swing. Not only is this frustrating, but it can be expensive if you have to go out and purchase a whole new set of plants just to finish out the fall months. 

Blooming mums for sale - Secrets To Buying Mums
There are a few simple secrets to keep in mind when buying mums that can make a huge difference in the health and amount of blooms you get to enjoy this fall.

Thankfully, you can help ensure that the mums you purchase will stay stunning all throughout the fall months – all by following 3 simple secrets when you purchase! Here is a look at how to buy your mums to get lasting fall color this year – and even have they stick around for next year too!

3 Secrets To Buying Mums That Last All Fall Long

#1 Don’t Buy Too Early 

Starting at about the end of August, you can usually start to see containers full of mums for sale in most locations. As tempting as it might be, it’s best not to purchase them the first moment you see them on store shelves. 

Mums thrive in temperatures in the 60s and 70s (Fahrenheit). Anything much warmer and the plants start to quickly fade. This is especially the case with plants that are already in full bloom. 

In addition, during the end of summer, the sun’s rays are still extremely hot and harsh. Even though mums can bloom in full sun, it’s not best for bloom length. The late summer sun and hot temperatures can cut weeks off of their blooming time.   

To have the best success at keeping mums happy and flowering strong all throughout fall, don’t purchase your mums until the weather starts to stay cooler during the daytime hours. 

#2 Don’t Fall For The Blooms – 3 Secrets To Buying Mums This Fall

One of the best ways to ensure that the mums you end up buying last for weeks is to purchase a plant that has tight buds and isn’t already flowering.

It can be so tempting to choose a plant that is in full bloom. They simply look so stunning and beautiful. However, those plants are likely already halfway through their blooming cycle. By the time you purchase them and bring them home, you will only get to enjoy those full blooms for a short while longer.

In fact, you may only get two to three more weeks out of plants already in bloom. No matter how much care and attention you give the plants, their remaining flowering days are numbered. 

This is especially true if you purchase your plants at the end of August. There is no possible way early blooming plants will be still flowering strong by October – let alone the end of September. 

Secrets on buying mums - choose plants with tight buds
Look for tightly budded mums. Instead of choosing plants that are already in full bloom, pick ones that are like the mums in the bottom of this photo. You will be able to enjoy their full blooming period once they start to flower.

Instead, look for plants that have plenty of tiny, tight buds. It’s certainly okay if a few of the buds are just starting to open up. However, the majority of the plant should still be in the budding stage. 

Their bright green foliage will still bring color and attention to your fall displays. And in only a few weeks, those buds will explode with vibrant, colorful blooms that last 45 days or more. 

#3 Get The Right Kind Of Mum

The last secret to keep in mind when buying mums is to purchase perennial mum varieties. Many stores will feature floral mums. These mums are certainly pretty with their blooms, but they are an annual mum plant and cannot be saved. Instead, look for mums labeled as “garden” or “hardy” varieties. 

Hardy mums are perennials, and are able to be overwintered so that they can bloom again the following year. With perennial mums, you can plant them directly into flowerbeds or garden spaces. As an alternative, you can overwinter them in pots and containers.

But the key is you can save them. And in the process, save a lot on your fall gardening budget every year after! For tips on saving hardy mums throughout the winter, see:  How To Keep Mums Alive Over The Winter – Save Your Mums This Fall For Next Year!

Hardy pink mums
By buying hardy mums, you can plant them in your garden to enjoy year after year of stunning blooms!

As an added bonus, perennial garden mum varieties tend to have much fuller foliage as well as larger blooms, adding even more beauty to your fall displays!  

How To Make Your Blooms Last Longer – Secrets To Buying Mums

After you get your mums home, the care you give them will play a huge part in their blooming success. Two of the most important aspects involve the location you place them and how you water them. 

Pick a location that has partial shade as opposed to full sun. Covered porches, patios, or even around tree canopies are all great options. By giving the plants a bit of shade and protection from hard rains, you can extend blooming time by two weeks or more.

Proper Watering – Secrets To Buying Mums

Next, be sure to water your mums often and the right way. Avoid spraying plants overhead. The direct spray can damage and weaken open blooms and cause them to fade faster. Instead, water plants at the base of the soil, making sure to get under the foliage canopy. Bottom watering is also a great alternative.

Watering plants overhead
Avoid watering mums overhead. The water can ruin open blooms and shorten their lifespan.

Also, be sure to water plants regularly. Mums require plenty of moisture in order to produce and maintain strong blooms. Don’t allow the soil to dry out completely in between waterings. If plants receive inconsistent watering, their blooming period will be greatly reduced. 

Here’s to getting the most out of your fall mum displays and enjoying their beautiful blooms all fall long!

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