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How To Split Overgrown Hostas In The Spring – Keep Hostas Healthy & Get Free Plants!

Looking to dig up and split your overgrown hostas in your flowerbeds this spring?

Hostas are one perennial that benefits from being divided on a regular basis. It helps this leafy perennial stay strong and vibrant, all while giving you the opportunity to multiply your plants without spending a single cent. And – as it turns out – one of the best and easiest times to do that dividing is in early spring!

By dividing in the spring, not only are plants easy to work with, it also allows them the chance to set new roots quickly in the cool, early season weather. This, in turn, lets you fill in open areas with new plants – setting the stage for lush, full flowerbeds – and hostas with healthy, gorgeous foliage that lasts all season long!

split hostas in the spring
Dividing hostas every three to four years helps to keep the plant manageable – and far more healthy!

How To Split Overgrown Hostas In The Spring

One of the most important steps in growing healthy, vibrant hostas is to get an early start – well before you see any signs of green poking up through the soil.

Many gardeners wait until their hostas break dormancy to begin tending to them, but in reality, the best time to begin is before that happens. By preparing and caring for your hosta beds early, you’re giving your plants a valuable head start.

Early spring is the perfect time to remove old foliage, clean up debris, and prepare the soil. This is also an ideal window for dividing large, mature hosta clumps. The longer you delay this initial care, the more it can slow the plant’s ability to grow vigorously and establish itself for the season.

Why is early dividing so important? Because when you divide and replant hostas before their leaves emerge, the new divisions have a chance to develop strong root systems right as the growing season kicks into gear.

While you can still divide hostas after they’ve begun to grow, it’s more stressful on the plant. And because of that, the recovery period will be noticeably longer.

split hostas - overgrown
By dividing early, your hostas will still have plenty of time to sprout and develop into full plants during the same growing season.

The Best Time To Divide Hostas

So how early is too early to divide? As long as the ground has thawed and the soil isn’t overly soggy or compacted, it’s perfectly safe to start working your hostas from late winter through early spring. And don’t worry if a cold snap or frost rolls through after you’ve planted. Hostas are hardy, and as long as the roots are tucked back into the ground and properly covered, they won’t be harmed in the least.

To keep hostas thriving and looking their best, it’s a good idea to divide them every four to six years. Over time, the underground root systems become dense and tightly packed, which then hinders the plant’s ability to take in water and nutrients efficiently.

As hostas mature in the same spot year after year, they also gradually deplete the surrounding soil of key nutrients. By lifting and dividing the plants, you not only give the roots more room to grow, but you also get the chance to re-energize the soil with compost.

How To Dig & Divide

With no leaves in the way, gently pull back the soil around the crown to find where the plant begins. Then, starting a few inches from outer edge, dig down about 5 to 6 inches all around the plant.

Work your way in a circle, loosening the soil as you go. Since hosta roots are shallow, the whole clump usually lifts out pretty easily. Don’t worry if you accidentally cut a few roots. Hostas are tough and bounce back quickly.

new plants
The size of your splits will determine the size of your new plants.

Once the plant is out, flip it over to make dividing easier. Use a sharp shovel or garden knife to slice through the clump. Most mature hostas can give you at least four good transplants. If the plant is very large, avoid using the center. The center often breaks down as the plant ages and may not grow well. Instead, only use the healthy outer parts to create strong new plants.

Cut the root ball into sections based on how big you want the new plants to be. For small accents, cut 2 to 3 inch pieces. For larger plants, go with 4 to 6 inch sections. Remember that the bigger the division, the sooner it will need to be split again in the future.

Planting New Transplants From Overgrown Hostas

To plant your new hosta starts, start by digging a hole about twice as wide and deep as the roots. This gives the plant plenty of space to settle in and grow.

Add a mix of half compost and half soil to the bottom of the hole. Place the plant so the crown, which is the spot where the leaves grow from, is just under the surface of the soil. Even if your hosta has already started to leaf out, you can still plant it. You only need to make sure the crown isn’t sticking out above the ground.

Water the plant well after planting, then cover the base with a few inches of mulch. Mulch helps hold in moisture and protects the plant while it establishes its roots. There’s no need to add fertilizer. The compost will have more than enough nutrients to get it going.

If you end up with more hostas than you need, consider potting a few up! They grow well in containers, especially if planted early in the season, and make great additions to patios or porches.

Fertilizing New & Existing Hosta Plants

Hostas don’t need as much feeding as many other perennials, but a little boost in early spring can really help them kick off strong growth and support future blooms. Especially after you have split overgrown hostas into new divisions.

Spreading a few inches of compost around the base of each plant is usually enough. As rain or watering occurs, nutrients from the compost slowly work their way down to the roots, giving the plant steady energy.

If you’d like to give them an extra push, you can also add a slow-release, all-purpose fertilizer in early spring. Look for a granular fertilizer with a balanced nutrient ratio of around 10-10-10. This will help support healthy leaves, strong roots, and overall plant growth. Affiliate Link: Southern Ag All Purpose Granular Fertilizer 10-10-10.

Here is taking the time this spring to split your overgrown hostas – and even more, to keeping them healthier and stronger than ever! For more on hosta care, check out our article: How To Keep Hostas Safe From Insects, Deer & More – All Summer Long.

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