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How To Get Your Tomatoes To Ripen Faster – 4 Simple Secrets To Speed Up Ripening!

Looking for a few simple tips and tricks to get your tomatoes to ripen a little faster this summer? One of the toughest things for a gardener to do is to wait for their tomatoes to turn to their perfect shade of ripeness. Especially early in the season when it can seemingly take forever for …

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How To Fertilize Impatiens – Get Your Impatiens To Bloom Big!

Wondering how to fertilize your impatiens this summer to get them to bloom bigger and brighter than ever? Impatiens have long been a favorite annual choice for growing in the shade. Whether planted in baskets and containers on a porch or patio, or in shaded flowerbeds around the home, they add a burst of color …

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How To Make Hot Pepper Spray – Protect Your Plants From Insects, Deer, Rabbits & More!

Did you know that one of the best ways to protect your vegetable plants, flowers and flowering bushes from deer, rabbits and a long list of insects is to simply make and use your own homemade hot pepper spray? As it turns out, hot pepper spray is one of the most effective organic solutions to …

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How To Deadhead Marigolds – The Secret To Get Your Marigolds To Bloom Big!

Did you know that one of the best ways to keep your marigolds blooming big and bright all summer long is to simply deadhead them on a regular basis? Deadheading is the process of removing fading blooms from a plant. And can it ever make a huge difference in not only the overall health of …

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What To Do With Strawberry Plants In The Summer – After Your Harvest Is Over!

Did you know that what to do with your strawberry plants in the summer after a harvest can make a huge difference in the long-term health and well being of your plants – and even more – in just how big your harvest will be next year? It’s true! One of the most important times …

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How To Stop Japanese Beetles – 3 Simple Tricks To Get Rid Of Japanese Beetles This Year!

Are you looking for a fast and effective way to stop Japanese beetles from ruining the plants in your landscape, garden and flowerbeds this year? Once the warm weather of summer begins to arrive – so do Japanese beetles. And do they ever love to dine on everything from roses, fragrant bushes and a long …

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Why You Need To Prune Tomato Plants Early – And How To Do It With Ease!

Did you know that one of the best ways to make sure your tomato plants stay healthy, strong and productive this summer is to prune them? And that the earlier you get started on this simple task, the better your plants will perform? Believe it or not, pruning can pay huge dividends for tomato plants. …

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How To Fertilize Sweet Corn – The Simple Secret To Growing Great Sweet Corn!

Did you know that one of the most important things you can do for your sweet corn crop is to fertilize it. In fact, not only will it help grow healthier, larger stocks and a bigger harvest of corn, but it can also help the ears of your corn to be fuller and tastier as …

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How To Keep Hostas Safe From Insects, Deer & More – All Summer Long!

Looking for a few simple ways to keep your hostas safe from insects, deer, and other pests this summer – all without having to resort to using harsh chemicals and sprays? Hostas are one of the most popular shade perennials around. The cold-hardy plants are available in a wide range of colors, sizes, and textures …

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How To Get Lavender To Bloom Again – What To Do With Lavender After It Blooms!

Did you know that with just a little bit of care and attention, you can get your lavender to bloom again for a second time in the same growing season? Lavender has become quite the popular perennial to grow in home landscapes. Not only is the plant highly drought tolerant, it is also incredibly insect …

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