If you are looking to add big color, texture and excitement to the less “sunnier” parts of your landscape, then it’s time to plant a few of the best flowering perennials that love to grow in the shade!
Finding colorful perennials to light up the brighter parts of your yard can be a fairly easy task. Perennials like coneflowers, black eyed Susan and coreopsis all produce massive amounts of blooms each summer in full sun. As do daylilies, blanketflower, allium and bee balm. In fact, the list of sun loving, big-blooming perennials goes on almost endlessly.
But finding plants to grow in less-than-ideal conditions and sun exposure is another story. It can be hard to grow grass in the shade, let alone plants. And when you add in the requirement of trying to find a shade loving plant that blooms- the list narrows quickly!

But the good news is that there actually are a few perennials that not only grow well in low-light areas of your property, but actually flourish in it. And once established, these plants can provide lasting color and interest with their intense textures and bright blooms.
Planting Flowering Perennials In The Shade – The Simple Secrets To Success
There are a couple of big “secrets to success” when growing flowering perennials in the shade, and at the top of that list is to always start by selecting a variety that can establish and grow well in your specific location.
One of the biggest mistakes gardeners quite often is to simply pick plants that can’t grow where they live. And it can lead to big disappointment, and be costly too!
It’s important to know that not all shade-loving plants are the same. Likewise, not all shady areas get the same amount of light. So before you head to the nursery or select your plants, take a bit of time to watch the area throughout the day. See when the sun hits it or if it hits it all. Knowing this will be a big key to selecting the best and most colorful blooming shade plants for your area.

Know Where You Grow…
Some shade-loving plants, such as hostas, can handle a few hours of morning or evening sunlight. Others, like coral bells, can even handle a few hours of mid-day sun as well as long as they get shade at other times. But before you plant – know what your shady areas actually get in the way of light!
The second secret to keep in mind is to be aware of the full size of plants as they mature. Plants that might need a bit of sun can get crowded out if the bush beside them grows large. Again, a little pre-planning will go a long way to getting the most from your shade loving perennials.
Now that we have covered the basics – let’s take a look at which perennials are at the top of the list for not just surviving in shade, but flowering big in it!
The Best Flowering Perennials To Grow In The Shade – 5 Great Low-Light Perennials!
Coral Bells
Coral bells, also known as alum root, are one of the best options of all when looking for a blooming and colorful shade-loving perennial. They are also versatile with light. Although they prefer partial sun, they can actually still handle around 4 to 6 hours of direct sunlight in less tropical locations.
Their unique and dramatic foliage provide a variety of colors to spruce up shady flowerbeds. The low-growing leaves can range from green to dark purple in color. The foliage of coral bells can also be found with a wide range of variegated patterns, bringing even more interest to bed spaces.
Coral bells produce delicate flower spikes at the top of thin, wiry stems. The blooms are long-lasting and quite delicate looking, but they hold strong to the plant. Hummingbirds love these blooms and will visit the plants often.

What really makes coral bells a winner is that they are easy to divide and transplant. Once you have a few plants growing, you can easily divide each year to add more color for free! Affiliate Link: Perennial Farm Marketplace Heuchera x ‘Plum Pudding’ (Coral Bells)
Oakleaf Hydrangeas – The Best Flowering Perennials To Grow In The Shade!
Oakleaf Hydrangeas (pictured near the top of the article) have big, thick flowers that form in clusters. The Oakleaf plant is actually a shrub and provides year-round interest to the landscape. Even better, they come in all sizes, from dwarf varieties for containers to large 8-foot and up hedge line shrubs.
Most hydrangeas can handle a touch of sun. The morning sun is the most gentle and will not disturb their growth or blooming habits. One thing is for sure though, Oakleaf hydrangeas can certainly create a large and colorful point of interest for a shady spot! Affiliate Link: Gatsby Moon Oakleaf Hydrangea
Although most hydrangeas are deer resistant, Oakleaf hydrangeas are not so lucky. Deer often seek them out in the early spring and will dine on their foliage. It’s something to keep in mind if you happen to have deer that visit regularly!
Astilbe is ideal if you happen to have a shady location that stays more moist and wet. It’s the perfect choice for flowerbeds that receive a wide range of shade. The plant can handle anything from low-light conditions to partial or even full shade. Affiliate Link: Astilbe chinensis ‘Visions’ Live Plant
The plant has stunning, glossy fern-like foliage that provides plenty of interest all on its own. But when its colorful plumes of blooms shoot into the air in mid-summer, the plant really comes to life!

Although large, the gorgeous flowers do not require staking as they grow on stiff stems. And as a bonus, the blooms hold their color for months! Even better, deer tend to leave the plant alone, making it great for the edges of wooded areas too.
Astilbe plants are versatile in size, ranging from tiny dwarfs to large, oversized hybrids. They can tolerate a wide range of soil conditions, from more fertile loam to harder, clay-like soil. Most varieties are winter hardy from growing zones four through eight.
Liriope – Perennials That Love Shade
Liriope is a wonderful choice for both shade and semi-shady areas. It’s very shade tolerant and can grow in extremely low light conditions – or handle full sun if need be. It truly is the ultimate shade/sun plant!
Liriope makes an excellent ground cover or border plant, growing much as an ornamental grass would. It grows in small clumps, reaching heights of six to twelve inches. It spreads slowly to fill in border areas and is extremely hardy. Affiliate Link: Liriope Variegated in 3.25″ Pots

In the spring and summer, it provides thick foliage. But in early to mid fall, liriope flowers with shoots of blue, white, or purple depending on the variety. Late in the fall, Liriope also produces small berries that can help feed wildlife throughout the winter.
Hosta – Shade Loving Flowering Perennials
The Hosta is the king of the road when it comes to shade-loving plants. In fact, nearly all varieties of hosta plants thrive in low sunlight. Even better, they come in all shades of beautiful greens, blues, and even whites. And many varieties are variegated, adding even more interest to their leafy foliage!
A hosta plant’s lush leaf structure can spread out over a large area, making it a perfect choice for planting under shade trees or close to the house. See: 5 Unique Hostas To Grow In Your Flowerbeds – Add Big Color, Beauty & Interest!
They can also be divided and transplanted easily in the early spring to help fill large areas while not breaking the bank! One word of caution when it comes to hostas, deer love them! They are certainly not the best choice if deer are frequent visitors to your yard.
If you have a few shady areas of your yard that have been neglected and could use some color, be sure to try one of these great shade-loving flowering perennials this year!

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