Looking for a few natural methods to keep whiteflies from infesting your tomato plants this year?
Whiteflies can be devastating to a tomato plant. And, unfortunately, in several different ways. For starters, whiteflies love to feed on the leaves of tomato plants. They do this because they love the sap that is inside of the leaves. When they take this sap, it causes leaves to yellow, curl and eventually die.
Even worse, their feeding diverts precious nutrients from the plant. Not only are the leaves affected, but the entire plant begins to suffer from a lack of nutrition. Not only can that lead to lower bloom and fruit production, it also also weakens the plant, leaving it more susceptible to disease and pest attacks.

Whiteflies can also cause fungal infection to tomato plants as well. The tiny pests excrete honeydew as they feed, which is a sticky whitish substance. Honeydew deposits can often cause a fungal infection known as black sooty mold, which can further weaken plants even more.
If all of that wasn’t enough, the energy whiteflies steal from plants can cause the few tomatoes that do appear to ripen unevenly. Usually, when this occurs, a portion of the tomato rots from over-ripening while the remainder never turns. Most often, it results in the fruit becoming completely inedible.
Battling Whiteflies – How To Keep Whiteflies Off Tomato Plants
Common whitefly species include the sweet potato whitefly and the greenhouse whitefly. Both of them will damage tomato plants and both can reproduce quickly.
What really makes fighting whiteflies tough is they can be hard to spot when they first arrive. Unfortunately, these tiny little creatures prefer to hang out on the underside of plants. Because of that, they often go unnoticed until it’s too late and damage occurs.
Whiteflies begin by laying eggs on the leaves of the plant. It can take about ten days for the eggs to hatch, but once they do, the young whiteflies (known as nymphs) begin feeding on the plant’s leaves and sap immediately.

As they do this, they continue to find new leaves and new plants to consume. When you consider an adult whitefly can live for an entire month, not only can it cause a tremendous amount of damage, but it can reproduce at an alarming rate.
And although they love tomato leaves, they will attack other nearby plants as well. In fact, whiteflies can actually be incredibly devastating to a long list of plants in the vegetable garden once they appear. And that is exactly why getting them under control once you spot them is so important!
How To Keep Whiteflies Off Tomato Plants – Naturally!
The good news is that battling whiteflies can be done without using harmful sprays. After all, who wants to consume tomatoes or other vegetables that have been sprayed with potentially harmful chemicals.
With that in mind, here is a look first at how to stop a whitefly attack – and a few ways to prevent them from ever showing up in the first place!
Eliminating Whiteflies
Soap & Water Spray – How To Keep Whiteflies Off Tomato Plants Naturally
One of the easiest, fastest and most economical methods to get rid of whiteflies is with a simple homemade mixture of liquid (organic) dish soap and water. To make, simply mix four tablespoons of liquid soap to one gallon of water.

The best way to apply the mixture is with a small hand help spray bottle or a larger sprayer. Simply mix well and spray it on the leaves of the affected tomato plants. Always be sure to hit the undersides of the plants where the whiteflies usually reside and hide.
Whiteflies that come in contact with this solution will be killed instantly. Since liquid soap is mild, there is no worry about harming the tomato plant. Repeat the process daily for at least 7 days to eliminate any that still may be hanging around your plants.
Neem Oil – How To Keep Whiteflies Off Tomato Plants Naturally
Neem oil can not only keep whiteflies at bay but other pests and insects as well. In addition to keeping whiteflies away, a neem oil spray will smother the larvae and eggs, thereby eliminating the entire population of whiteflies all at once. Affiliate Product Link: Neem Oil Spray
To make your neem oil mix, mix four teaspoons of neem oil to 1 gallon of regular water. Some gardeners like to add a few drops of organic liquid dish soap to the solution as it helps the spray adhere better to the whiteflies and leaves of their tomato plants.

Neem oil is 100% organic and is made by pressing the seeds of a neem tree for oil. It is an all-natural organic insecticide that can be effective in the fight against many pests. See: How To Use Neem Oil – The Organic Solution To Pest & Disease Control!
Non Toxic Sticky Traps – How To Keep Whiteflies Off Tomato Plants Naturally
Sticky traps can be another excellent solution to help handle large infestations. Together with spraying they can combine to wipe out entire whitefly populations.
Yellow sticky traps are best as they attract whiteflies in droves. These should be placed around the base of the tomato plants to catch whiteflies as they enter and exit plants. The sticky traps also do an excellent job of capturing mosquitoes, gnats and aphids as well. Affiliate Link: Non Toxic Stick Traps
Repelling Whiteflies
Beneficial Insects – How To Keep Whiteflies Off Tomato Plants Naturally
Attracting beneficial insects into your garden space is one of the best ways of all to keep whitefly infestations from occurring. Ladybugs, dragonflies, parasitic wasps and even garden spiders all love to dine on whiteflies.

Although you can often purchase beneficial insects for release, the best and easiest way to bring them in is by planting the plants they love to visit. Marigolds, zinnias and nasturtiums are all flowers that attract the beneficial insects that can feed on whiteflies.
There are also plants you can grow that actually repel whiteflies. Marigolds, basil, thyme, and chives are all known to keep whiteflies far away. To have them work for your, simply plant them as companion plants right along or near your tomato plants and watch whiteflies disappear from your garden!
Spread Worm Castings Around Your Plants – How To Keep Whiteflies Off Tomato Plants Naturally
Did you know that worm castings are not only great for powering your tomato plants as a low and slow fertilizer, they also happen to help to help keep whiteflies away in a big way!

Worm castings help to increase the enzyme levels of chitinase in plants. And when plants contain higher levels of this specific enzyme, whiteflies will not feed from them. Simply plant a half cup of worm castings in your planting hole, or sprinkle a cup around your plants.
As the casting’s nutrients soak into the plant, the enzyme levels increase, defending your plants naturally from attack. At the same time, the worm castings fertilize the soil, improving the tomato plant’s yield. It’s a win win for tomato plants for sure!
Here is to taking care of whiteflies with ease – all without having to use any harmful or harsh chemicals in the process!
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