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How To Keep Hostas Safe From Insects, Deer & More – All Summer Long!

Looking for a few simple ways to keep your hostas safe from insects, deer, and other pests this summer – all without having to resort to using harsh chemicals and sprays? Hostas are one of the most popular shade perennials around. The cold-hardy plants are available in a wide range of colors, sizes, and textures …

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How To Fertilize Hostas In Early Spring – The Secret To Keep Hostas Beautiful All Summer!

Did you know that early spring is the perfect time to fertilize your hostas to power them up and get them ready for big, healthy growth all season long? Hostas are a staple when it comes to filling home flowerbeds and landscapes with interest and color. With their huge canopy of foliage and tall, wispy, …

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The Best Flowering Perennials To Grow In The Shade – How To Grow With Little Sun!

If you are looking to add big color, texture and excitement to the less “sunnier” parts of your landscape, then it’s time to plant a few of the best flowering perennials that love to grow in the shade! Finding colorful perennials to light up the brighter parts of your yard can be a fairly easy …

Read More about The Best Flowering Perennials To Grow In The Shade – How To Grow With Little Sun!

What To Do With Your Hostas Before Winter – How To Keep Hostas Healthy!

Wondering what you need to do before winter arrives with all of those hostas browning off and dying back in your flowerbeds? Or if you need to do anything to them at all? Hostas are a popular mainstay in flowerbeds and landscapes in a wide array of regions throughout the world. The shade loving plant …

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How To Divide Overgrown Hostas In The Summer – Keep Your Hostas Beautiful!

Believe it or not, summer really is one of the best times of all to divide overgrown hostas. Not only can it help you rejuvenate overly large and/or struggling plants, but dividing also allows you to create plenty of additional hostas to fill your flowerbeds – and all for free! Although you can dig up …

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What To Do With Hostas In Late Summer & Fall – Fall Hosta Care!

As late summer and fall arrive, it is time for giving a little tender loving care to your hostas – fall hosta care not only helps to spruce up your plants and flowerbeds, it also helps prepare the leafy plant’s root structure for the long winter months ahead. Late summer and early fall are actually …

Read More about What To Do With Hostas In Late Summer & Fall – Fall Hosta Care!

5 Unique Hostas To Grow In Your Flowerbeds – Add Big Color, Beauty & Interest!

Hostas are one of the best ways to add color and texture to the shadier locations of your landscape – especially when you grow a few unique varieties that can turn heads with their showy foliage and blooms! Hosta plants have long been admired for their big leaves and long stemmed flowers. As the plants …

Read More about 5 Unique Hostas To Grow In Your Flowerbeds – Add Big Color, Beauty & Interest!